This project reimagines the blocks adjacent to Union Station in Washington D.C. as a blend of commercial, mixed-use, and residential blocks that mediate the scales of surrounding city. The focus of this urban design is a grand hotel, a design guided by local precedent and both classical and modern lessons in architecture.

The hotel itself is a high-end accommodation aimed at tourists and travelers wishing to stay in the heart of D.C. and have easy access to transportation via Union Station.  The architecture is intended to allow guests to experience the classical grandeur of D.C. both inside and out.  It is bordered by a commercial hub and public park, and it has a visual link to the Capitol Building and National Mall.  The name, “The Artisan”, speaks of the central theme of the building which celebrates the artistry of craftsmanship and the women and men whose time and skills go into making architecture beautiful.  Without them, the grandeur of Washington, D.C. and the beauty of classical architecture could never be realized.